So You Are Thinking of Rehoming a Dog?

Thinking of Rehoming a Dog?

You’ve made your decision, you’re excited, you want a new member of the family – you want a dog! However, have you really thought about whether you are ready & what’s really involved?

There are a number of things that are taken into consideration by the KGR rehoming volunteers when looking at each application & assessing whether we have a dog that could be a possible  match to your circumstances. We have put together a list of things below for you to think about, but the MOST important thing we look for is really simple –

Will you be a responsible dog owner?

Can you meet the dog’s physical needs? Dogs require food, water, health checks, regular toilet intervals, excerise etc. Can you afford to provide such requirements throughout the entirety of the dog’s life? Take into consideration that some dogs have special dietary requirements, which may mean an increase in costs. Do you have the time to provide the dog with the amount of daily exercise it needs? Some dogs are very active & will require at least two walks a day.

 Can you meet the dog’s emotional/behavioural needs? How are you going to socialise your dog? What if your dog is not suitable to live with other animals? How would you deal with potential behavioural problems? Some solutions to these issues may require additional costs, e.g. Doggy Day Care, training classes, dog walking services. You may find that your dog suffers with separation anxiety & is quite ‘needy’, so thinking about how much time it would realistically be alone indoors, is something important to consider.

 What is your environment like? Do you have a secure garden? Take into consideration the size of the dog & the fact that dogs are inquisitive creatures & may like to jump over, or indeed, bite through certain materials to explore the world beyond. One of the most common pitfalls in rehoming applications, is due to inadequate garden security. Also consider things such as the living space within your home, where the dog will be left if you go out, the external environment, such as the street you live on or areas surrounding.

What is your lifestyle like? A good tip is to draw a spider diagram & list adjectives that describe your lifestyle e.g. noisy, quiet, hectic, sedentary. Our rehoming volunteers also recommend jotting down all the things within your daily life that require your time & attention, including hobbies & interests & then assessing whether you would realistically have the time & energy left to meet a dog’s needs too.

 BIGGIES: Cats, Children & Dogs – We think that this section deserves a separate blog post altogether, so please keep an eye out for this. In the meantime, please refer to our website for more details on rehoming dogs with children and/or cats.

Did you know that you have legal responsibilities as a dog owner? This may be a surprise to some of you, but YES, there are a number of laws which outline the obligations of a dog owner, so it is really worth reading up on this, as you don’t want to be caught out!

But at the end of it all….

We would like to end this blog post on a positive note & what we consider to be THE BEST BIT!

So, you’ve satisfied yourself you are up to the job of becoming a dog owner…FANTASTIC! A dog that is a good match to your circumstances & family is a complete joy to have in your life. Dogs can even help to improve your health, both physically and mentally. In life, the saying goes that you get back what you put in…multiply this by 10x for your dog! They never stop giving! You have a loyal, loving friend & companion for life!