News From Kent Greyhound Rescue

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Greyhounds And Dog Training – WHY?

Greyhounds And Dog Training – WHY? The old joke exists – how do you train a dog without much sense and little intelligence ♥  BUT it is not just about training – it is socialisation and bonding and that just takes love and commitment. Why does KGR require me to

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Younger Or Older? The Greyhound Differences

A young greyhound is so very different to a regular greyhound (e.g. a one who has finished racing). The young ones are usually cat workable or timid and often both – there will be a reason for this.  They may be shy, have no gumption, have no instinct, or are

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Neosporosis And Greyhounds

Neosporosis is a relatively rare disease in greyhounds, but when it does occur it can be fatal.  There is very little known about it outside the racing industry but it is thought Neospora infects a greyhound when poor quality food from diseased cattle is eaten.  It is not greyhound specific,

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